The Impact of Executive Coaching
December 1, 2016 • Executive Coaching
Reyes Liske, J. M., & Holladay, C. L. (2016). Evaluating coaching’s effect: competencies, career mobility and retention. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(7), 936–948. Introduction A recently published study explored the impact of an executive coaching program (consisting of executive coaching and group coaching) in a U.S. healthcare organization. Results indicated that leaders who participated in the program demonstrated significantly improved leadership competencies and significantly higher retention rates one-year post-program, compared to the control group. Methodology Employing a group of 84 leaders (25 men & 59 women) and a control group of 67 participants, the researchers used a 360-degree… » Read More
Does Transformational Leadership Promote Innovation?
November 1, 2016 • Transformational Leadership
Introduction Is there a link between CEO transformational leadership style and new product development (NPD)? The authors of a new study found strong evidence to suggest there is. They also found a connection between organizational learning and innovation culture and the NPD process. Their findings can help organizations improve their NPD processes and achieve greater new product success. CEO transformational leadership is positively associated with organizational learning.In their study of 269 small, medium and large manufacturing companies in five industries in Thailand, Sattayaraksa and Boon-itt tested four hypotheses: CEO transformational leadership is positively associated with innovation culture. Organizational learning is positively associated with… » Read More
Are Current Leadership Theories Relevant to Millennials?
October 1, 2016 • Leadership Styles, Millennial Leaders, Transformational Leadership
Introduction The authors of this Leadership Quarterly article question whether five contemporary leadership theories are relevant to Millennials (those born between 1981-1997 who make up the largest generation cohort of the working population as of 2015). This paper is an important read for all leaders and HR professionals whose leadership approaches are based on current theories. The five leadership styles called out in this article are as follows (definitions from Wikipedia): Transformational leadership: Leaders that follow the transformation style of leading, challenge and inspire their followers with a sense of purpose and excitement. Information processing: Focuses on the role of social perception… » Read More
2016 Trends in Human Capital and Executive Coaching
September 1, 2016 • Executive Coaching, Human Capital
Two important reports have been published in the last six months which will be of interest to Human Resource professionals. In this post, we review the key findings from both studies that relate to leadership development. Deloitte’s Global Human Capital Trends 2016 – 10 trends are identified in this year’s study, spanning organization design and culture; learning, leadership, and workforce management; and even the HR function itself. Results were compiled from surveys and interviews from over 7,000 human resources and business leaders in 130 countries. In the following 29 minute clip, Deloitte’s Josh Bersin and Nicky Wakefield discuss the most surprising and significant results from this year’s study, at… » Read More
Women on Boards: The Superheros of tomorrow?
August 1, 2016 • Women in Leadership
Introduction The number of women on boards is not shifting according to Catalyst whose census indicates that 19.9% of board seats were held by women last year, compared with 19.2% the year prior. Meanwhile, a new research paper by Adams suggests the number is smaller than we think. In her paper, she questions the evidence that corporations with female directors on their boards perform better, citing what we know from studies by Catalyst, McKinsey and others. Summary Because these studies are not held to the same rigorous research standards expected in academic settings, causal effects can and do affect results and conclusions. In particular, Adams highlights… » Read More
Underestimating one’s leadership impact: Are women leaders more susceptible?
July 1, 2016 • Women in Leadership
Summary While 50% of supervisory and management positions are held by women, female representation drops to less than 5% when it comes to the c-suite. In this paper. the researchers argue that while women self-rate similarly to men on multi-source feedback (i.e. through their own and others feedback ratings), they under-estimate how they are seen by others. Through a series of studies, the researchers set out to assess whether women are less aware of their leadership capabilities than their male counterparts and whether they are failing to appreciate their talents and leadership impact. They found evidence that women under-predicted their… » Read More